Highly Caffeinated.
Highly Motivated.
In the Zone.
In the Zone.

Angular Reports: UI Tables & Charts Demo
Demo Information Framework: Angular Hosted on BitBalloon Powered by Akveo Blur Live Demo Here [http://pandas-admin.bitballoon.com/#/dashboard] Business Case This UI can quickly put together stunning custom reports from your data. The nice part is that we don’t have to create a lot of elements from scratch. Of course, if you need, anything can be done using […]

Business Scorecards
Business Case Scorecards and KPIs are still a centerpiece in successful businesses. These dashboards are geared more for the Executive level, whom can presumably digest tons of information in a short amount of time. Scorecard design is an art in itself, as it’s easy to get a headache arranging all these numbers in a way […]